
About the Graduate Program in Statistics

The Graduate Program in Statistics at UFRJ leads to the titles of M.Sc. and Dr.Sc. in Statistics. Both Dr.Sc. and M.Sc. students attend graduate courses and seminars in their first academic year. From 2001 to 2015, each lecture term lasted 13 weeks (with 3 periods per year). From 2016 until now, each lecture term lasts 15 weeks (with 2 periods per year). M.Sc. Seminars lasts for six months and 1 (one) credit point will be granted for attending and understanding them. In addition to attending the seminars, the students must prepair a manuscript describing some of the given talks. At the end of the first academic year, all the students must have attended to a minimum of 360 hours of classes in regular lectures and 20 hours of seminars.

Last News


De 10 de outubro até 18 de novembro de 2024 estarão abertas as inscrições para o processo seletivo para o Mestrado e o Doutorado em Estatística no nosso programa, Turma ...


Horário (ainda sujeito a pequenas alterações) Dia 10 - Quinta-feira 10:00h Abertura 10:20h Eduardo Ferioli Gomes 11:00h Patrícia Lusié Velozo da Costa Intervalo para almoço 11:40h-13:20h 13:20h Vinicius Pinheiro Israel Intervalo - ...


Ranqueamento dos candidatos aceitos ao programa de mestrado: Franciele Lobo Pallaoro (não solicitou bolsa) Raquel de ...


Inscrições homologadas -  mestrado: Anna Paula de Castro Santos.  Franciele Lobo Pallaoro.  Francisco de Assis Silva ...